Sunday, October 11, 2009

Awesome Conversations

I have some pretty fantastic gems in my conversations with others. Since I have nothing else of value to add to the internet, and I'm often sad more people aren't privy to these conversations, I have found the perfect way to remedy these both!

Amy: I did pester him a little about seeing his place.
He keeps saying "soon"
Me: His wife needs to move out first
omg, just kidding
Amy: Bluebeard, maybe?
Me: wow yours was so much worse than mine
Amy: It was, wasn't it" ;)
And you're still going to go over...
Amy: I am a brave woman. A brave, stupid woman.
Me: Get some mace
and I don't mean this guy:
Amy: Ha!
Amy: I have nothing to be ashamed of. Let me rephrase... I am not ashamed of anything.

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