Saturday, November 8, 2008

One Less:

I just wanted to post some information because apparently I'm filled with it. Also, a lot of you on here are totally qualified to get a potentially life-saving shot, and likely at no cost to you.

GARDASIL is the only cervical cancer vaccine that helps protect against 4 types of human papillomavirus (HPV): 2 types that cause 70% of cervical cancer cases, and 2 more types that cause 90% of genital warts cases. GARDASIL is for girls and young women ages 9 to 26.

I got this vaccine earlier this year after hearing Dr. Drew talk about it on the radio. 50% of men are carriers - and they have no way to know they have it unless they so happen to have visible warts. Many strands cause a silent infection, meaning there are no obvious signs. 80% of women will get HPV before they hit 50. Many people have it and have no idea they are infected.

This is a seriously badass disease. But you can do something to protect yourself.

The Gardasil vaccine is available to women between the ages of 9 and 26. Health insurance carriers view this as a preventive measure - meaning there is a high likelihood they will completely cover the cost for you. I switched insurance carriers in the span of my shots, and both of them covered the shots at 100%. I even received two of the shots at a health clinic instead of an OBGYN and they didn't even charge me a co-pay. Check with your insurance provider to see how they cover this vaccine.

If you don't have insurance, state-run health clinics still offer the shot. I think prices run about $100 per shot and you might be able to talk to Merck and see if they can get you the shot for a better price.
(At least this option was offered to me when the nurse thought I no longer had insurance) Patient assistant information can be found here:

It's three shots, they don't hurt much. I'm super afraid of needles, and I can tell you these ones were not bad. The first shot stung, but I could barely feel the second and third. It takes about six months. The second shot is two months after the first and the third is four months after the second.

Honestly, I don't see a reason to not get the shot. I don't care if you're married, gay or not sexually active. You never know what will happen to you. You could get divorced, your husband could fool around, you could get (god forbid) raped. There is absolutely no reason or excuse for someone to not talk to their doctor about getting this shot and see what they recommend.

My Dad worked for Merck for a while selling Gardasil. A few months ago, he took me aside to talk to me about the reason I should get this shot. I was happy to tell him I had already had two of the three shots. We spent the next 20 minutes talking about the reasons people should get the shot. I do not believe my father would recommend I get this shot if there was a reason I should not.

More information can be found at