Another old one.
A few years ago, I was chatting up a law student (who is now a lawyer) about free speech and the blogging world. I've always been under the impression that private blog hosting websites (such as blogger, LiveJournal, etc.) were not a public forum in the legal sense and therefore under no obligation to uphold free speech rights. However, I'm completely aware that this comes from the Court of Jessica and I can be entirely wrong.
Me: yeah - the realm of public forum gets weird
Me: with the internet. the internet complicates things!
Law Student Friend: yes
Law Student Friend: stupid internet!
Law Student Friend: i see a trend to treat the internet
Law Student Friend: as the real thing, though
Me: yeah. next time you're in court for an internet case
Me: I think you should plead, "But it's just the internet, LOL JUDGE GET A LIFE"
Law Student Friend: lolololol
Me: Best argument evar
Law Student Friend: "it's just the INTERNET, kthnx"
Law Student Friend: but all I'm saying is that it is a possibility that blog sites might have to uphold rights like free speech
Me: I will accept that
Law Student Friend: lololol
Law Student Friend: and gets off the internet to take care of his kids amirite
Law Student Friend: i'll be like "lol judge get off the bench"